United Explanations has provided several hundred explanations so far. This has been possible thanks to the collaboration of dozens of donors. Currently we count on a team of 17 editors (3 for the English section) and more than two hundred and fifty contributors (from which over thirty collaborate on the English section). If you want to collaborate with us providing explanations, writing your own blog, or helping us promote our contents click here and join us!

If you want to get in touch with our team members see the information below:

United Explanations | English team


Victoria Shevela (Rostov, Russia)

UNEXP English editor. Freelance translator and intepreter (English, Spanish, Catalan and Russian). She is living in Spain since 2006 and finally settled in Barcelona. Postgraduate in International Trade and Economics, she has participated as volunteer translator in different webzines, such as Café Babel.

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Marie Vandendriessche (Leuven, Belgium)

UNEXP English editor. BA & MA in Translation, postgraduate in Conference Interpreting and MA in International Relations, specializing in international environmental politics, EU studies and political economy of development. Currently working as a research assistant with ESADEgeo Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics in Barcelona.

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Jelena Novakovic (Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina)

UNEXP English editor. Currently residing in Madrid, and working at the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) since 2009. BA in International Relations, with an MA specializing in Political Economy of Development. Engaged in the field of Institutional and Corporate Relations with a particular interest in promoting corporate social responsibility/corporate citizenship and sustainability-oriented private-public partnerships.

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We are continuously looking for editors and coeditors by topics and regions. If you are interested in collaborating with us as United Explanations editor/coeditor contact us by email here.